These ideas unify our team internally to reach our community externally, and help ensure that application of the visual identity is carried out with the right tone in mind.
Our Mission
Receiving, practicing, and sharing the love of Jesus Christ.
The best news in the world is that “…God so loved the world, that he have his only Son, that whoever believe in him should not perish but have eternal life.” The gospel is the story that through Jesus, the loving, creator God has provided hope, forgiveness of sins, and restoration to sinful and death-filled world. As we trust in the sacrificial love of Jesus, we receive the Spirit of God and become a new creation. As we receive the Spirit of God upon our lives we have the hope of resurrection and new creation. This way is the way of love. Love from God to us. Love that changes us.
Our Vision
Love is the vision.
Calvary’s mission statement is “Receiving, Practicing, and Sharing the Love of Jesus.” The scriptures tell us that “we love God, because he first loved us.” More important than our acts of service, more central than Christian fellowship, and even more foundational than the worship we give to God—is first receiving God’s love for us in Christ. Only as we embrace God’s deep and eternal love, do we have anything to give back to God and others. Our sincerest prayer for you, is that you would come to know the “breadth and length and height and depth” of God’s love for us in Christ.
Our Rhythms
As followers of Jesus, we have identified three rhythms of love. These rhythms help us express our desire to obey Jesus’ call upon our lives. This is the call of discipleship.
Upward Toward God
When we come to know the “breath and length and height and depth” of God’s love for us we are compelled to express our love back to God. We understand worship to be a way of living before God; it is an offering of our lives to God everyday of our lives. Yet, worship is not meant to be simply an individual expression. Joining other Christians in expressing our love to God is a crucial part of our formation as disciples of Jesus. Since we are filled with the Spirit of God we have the privilege each week to “…address one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your hear.”
Sacrament and Word
We would love to have you join us weekly for our Sunday morning worship services at 9:00am & 10:45am.
Inward toward ONE ANOTHER
Along with gathered worship, meaningful Christian relationships and friendships are a necessary part of our Christian formation and flourishing. We have the privilege to partner with God in sharing his love. As followers of Jesus, we are called to love one another. The most immediate context in which to share God’s love is our sisters and brothers in the faith. We are called to “be kind to one another tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” This kind of love is costly. True love walks with people toward obedience to Christ’s call upon our lives.
Instruction, education, catecheses
At Calvary we have many small and medium sized groups to build friendships. Please reach out to John Lambuth or Christy Spader to get connected.
God’s love often extends beyond what we can imagine. A flourishing Christian is compelled to share the love of Jesus with those who have never received and experienced it. At Calvary we desire to build genuine and honest relationships with all people. In all our relationships we desire to be conduits of the good news of Christ’s love for us. Jesus’ commission for us is to share the good news of God’s love for us to the ends of the earth.
We seek to have thoughtful engagement with our community around life’s most important questions.
We have many partnerships both locally and globally to share the love of Jesus. Manfred Karolyi provides leadership for our church in our mission efforts. Manfred would be more than happy to connect with you.